Lost & Found
Some tips:
If you have lost an animal -
Put out something that smells like you on your porch to help his/her nose find your scent. This could be a blanket, jacket, pillow, etc.
Make flyers that are easy to read at a distance and post in the area where the animal was lost.
If your cat is missing, put his/her litter box outside. Look up in nearby trees; if a cat gets spooked, it may climb up a tree and get stuck. If you see your cat in a tree, lean a ladder up against the tree and place "smelly" wet food (such as tuna or sardines) at the bottom of it.
Contact your local county animal control.
Check with Foothills Animal Shelter (Jefferson County)
Post on Facebook lost & found groups, and NextDoor for your neighborhood.
Alert your microchip company, if your animal is chipped.
If you have found an animal -
Contact your county's animal control.
Have the animal checked for a chip (Any vet or shelter can read chips).
Check on Facebook and Nextdoor for a post.